My mother and stepfather originally formed a trust together, and the assets were to be divided evenly between my two stepbrothers and myself. My stepbrothers have died. My stepfather changed the trust, apparently without informing me or my mother of what he changed. When I was in town to help her, she didn't remember a...
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I'm interested in buying a property at a foreclosure. I'm told the owner of the home is in a nursing home. There is currently no lien on the house. Would I be in danger of an estate recovery office seeking to recover funds anytime after a potential purchase? If so, is there any time limit on these actions?
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My mother would like to use a home equity loan to purchase a car. Will this affect her Medicaid status?
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What happens if my elderly mother insists on staying in her own home by herself, against the doctor's advice? If I am her agent with health care power of attorney and I allow her to do as she wishes, can I be held responsible for anything that may happen to her as a result?
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Does spend-down of assets have to be completed before applying for Medicaid services?
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If property was gifted from a Medicaid applicant within the five-year lookback period, who is responsible for paying during the penalty/denial period? My dad is in a nursing home now, but gifted me 5 acres of land last year. My sister is power of attorney, but I know my dad has limited funds until he will have to apply...
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I have been living with and caretaking for my elderly mother for the past five years. She now needs long-term care and has recently qualified for Medicaid. The house is exempt from a Medicaid lien because I am on the deed. She has $17,000 in credit card debt. Can they still come after her house even though it's her deb...
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My mother resides in Florida in a nursing home, and I want to move her to a nursing home in Indiana. I cannot care for her at home and there is no other family to help. How do I transfer my mother's Medicaid without interrupting her nursing home coverage?
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My mother is 93 years old, and we are selling her home. She is on Medicare and Medicaid. She will not be in a nursing home; I will care for her in my own home. Can I invest the proceeds from the sale of her home? Will she lose her Medicaid and Medicare benefits? Her home is valued less than $50,000.
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Can Mom fire her durable power of attorney?
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