Types of Care Medicaid Covers
For better or worse, Medicaid is the primary method of paying for nursing home care in the United States. However, navigating the Medicaid system is complicated and confusing. This article explains the basics. ...
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Medicaid 101
Almost all state Medicaid programs will cover some assisted living costs, although there may be a waiting list.
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Medicaid 101
Community Medicaid covers care and medical services that enable a recipient to remain in their home or community as long as possible instead of entering a skilled nursing facility or other institution.
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Medicaid 101
The federal government can grant “waivers” to states allowing them to expand Medicaid to include home and community-based services. The downside is that states can limit home care and the wait can be long. ...
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Medicaid 101
Traditionally, Medicaid has paid for long-term care in a nursing home, but because most individuals would rather be cared for at home and home care is cheaper, all 50 states now have Medicaid programs that offer at least some home...
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Medicaid 101